
Top 6 Budgeting Tips For Christmas

Budgeting, Featured, Wealth Planning

top 6 budgeting tips


Christmas is an expensive time of year. These helpful tips from our staff could make a big difference to your Christmas spending!



Financial Planner

Have a separate bank account that you deposit money in throughout the year so you have funds for food and presents at Christmas. Get organised and figure out early on who you want to purchase presents for and how much you want to spend on them. This will help you figure out how much to put aside each month and to stick to a budget.




We lay-by our son’s toys in the June sales and pay them off gradually so they all paid prior to Christmas. Gift cards are good presents, the recipients can use them in the sales after xmas, you won’t go over budget and they get what they want.





Check out online deal websites such as Cudo, Groupon, Scoopon and Catch Of The Day. They feature new deals each day and you can pick up some great novelty gifts, vouchers and travel packages at a cheap price that you probably won’t see anywhere else. Most of the sites also offer free shipping which is an added bonus. But beware! They can become highly addictive!



Client Services

We have a spread sheet going for all bills, absolutely everything including birthdays, Christmas and Easter Mothers Day and Fathers Day. When a bill comes in there is always money there. It is particularly helpful at this time of the year as you always have a lot of expense at Christmas. We have been doing this for years and it definitely works.



Client Services

I like to buy food and most of my presents through Chrisco. Programs like this let you slowly pay off Christmas expenses over the year so you don’t have a whole lot of expenses in December. It can help you have a debt free Christmas!



Assistant Accountant

I start buying non perishable food a month or so before Christmas if I see them on sale (you don’t notice a few extra items on the weekly or fortnightly shopping). You might want to hide items high up in the pantry so they don’t disappear too early.

