COVID-19 has seen dramatic changes and impacts to the way we work, socialise and live life!
We are here for your support! We understand that you may have concerns or may want to talk through your new financial situation and we are only a phone call away. If you are concerned and would like a market update from your adviser, please book in a ‘Market Discussion’. This way your adviser can focus on you and your account.
We are still able to provide your annual review via telephone or online virtual meeting (Zoom) with the hopes in the coming months return to face to face meetings.
As always you are able to book your appointments by calling or visiting our bookings page on our website. Be sure to select your adviser form the list.
With COVID there has been changes in relation to pension minimums.
COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) – temporarily reducing superannuation minimum payment amounts
For many retirees, the significant losses in financial markets as a result of the COVID-19 crisis are having a negative effect on the account balance of their income stream nest egg.
To assist retirees, the Government has reduced the minimum annual payment required for account-based pensions and annuities, allocated pensions and annuities and market-linked pensions and annuities by 50% in the 2019–20 and the 2020–21 financial years.
Superannuation and annuity providers calculate the minimum annual payment required at 1 July each year, based on the account balance of the member or annuitant. The 50% reduction will apply to the calculated minimum annual payment.
Other COVID-19 Government helpful information can be found here.
Once again, we wish you all the best through these tough times and would like to reminder you we are always a phone call away.