
Tech and tips to help the Wanderlust – Tips from experienced travellers

We love hearing about client’s travels and experiences and thought this gem was worth sharing.

In a recent review appointment with Barry and Lenore from Edgeworth, they shared their best tips for those travelling, particularly the campers and motor homes. is a guide to free campsites and services that might be useful in your travels.

Lenore mentioned that the best way to find free campsites if you are talking to a tourist information centre is in fact to ask about the best fishing spots and to ask if they have services there like bathrooms and fresh water. It’s almost code for free camp grounds. is another app available for iphones and android that shows you a live data feed for local petrol prices. You can use a map to locate the local petrol stations with their live prices uploaded.

Some GPS’s (Garmin) include access to another great tool to locate points of interest and camping sites.

Barry and Lenore shared their tips about striking up conversation with other travellers to share local knowledge on the road.

Barry said, ‘ask people three questions. . ‘Where have you been? Where are you going? And Where are you from?’

They shared stories of many ‘five minute friends’ that you can share the journey with for the time you are together, and may or may not see again.

Lenore also commented on how many families are on the road with their kids and the diverse education they get whilst on the road. There are always opportunities to learn, keeping a diary, working out the costs for each person each day with food and travel costs. Kids love the experience and the travel stories that the family make along the way are so fulfilling.

We thought that more clients might benefit from the experience of these frequent travellers.
